Italian Città de Cuneo has a lot of information on IALs in the early 20th century

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yesterday a Google Alert for Latino sine Flexione surprisingly sent me directly to a pdf that you can see here, an article calling LsF "a sane and ideal common language". I decided to conduct a quick search for more information there and the results for a search for latino sine flexione are here, where there is also quite a bit of good stuff. This message for example sent to Peano in Ido and about LsF says:

Exter Ido, "Latino sine flexione es la mondo-linguo quan me selektus se Ido ne existus; me preferas la principo di Ido, ma, se me judikus kom plu bona la principo di "naturaleso", LsF esus la linguo quan me propagus.

Translation: "Latino sine flexione is the world language I would select if Ido didn't exist; I prefer the principles of Ido, but if I were to judge "naturalness" as the most important principle, LsF is the language that I would promote."

See also a search for ido linguo. There seems to be quite a bit there in a number of languages on IALs, including Italian and French as well.

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