Latin, Idiom Neutral and English companed: Latona et Ranae

Monday, May 17, 2010

Two years ago I compared a number of IALs to Latin using a very simply told fable from a textbook about Latona who turned a group of farmers into frogs. The comparisons I made were: Ido and Latin, Interlingua and Latin, Latino sine Flexione and Latin, and Occidental and Latin. The point was to be able to show Latin revivalists that these IALs resemble Latin more than the current status quo auxiliary language (English) and that thus they should give IALs at least moral support, since a stronger IAL community = more indirect knowledge of the language they like the most and want to see revived.

So now that the dictionary is over half done (finished N yesterday) it's not so hard to look up words and it's time for my first Idiom Neutral translation. Out of the four above Latino sine Flexione is naturally the most similar to Latin (since it's basically just modified Latin), but Idiom Neutral is interesting compared to the other three as those use articles but IN doesn't, and so it feels structurally more like Latin. IN doesn't have a flag yet, so I just snuck in a quick 中 symbol into the picture there (can you find it?). Which reminds me, here's what I think will happen with Idiom Neutral:

- English and other speakers will call it Idiom Neutral but will often refer to it just as Idiom, kind of in the same way that Bahasa Indonesia is often called Bahasa even though technically that just means 'language', not necessarily Indonesian. But take a long term and people will almost always prefer brevity to perfect accuracy.

- In Japanese, Korean and Chinese it may begin to be called 中立語 / 중립어 / 中立语, which just means neutral language. When explaining the language to some people I know here I've actually found it easier to just call it 중립어 as saying Idiom Neutral once again is a bit too long. But then again it could easily be called Idiom over here too, as that doesn't sound too bad and idiom is a fairly well-known English word.

And now the translation:

Latin Idiom Neutral
In scholā nostrā linguam Latīnam discimus. Nunc in fābulā Latīnā dē rānīs discimus.
In nostr skol noi aprend lingu latin. Sitempe noi aprend di rani in fabl latin.
In our school we learn Latin. Now we learn about frogs in a Latin fable.
Incolae Graeciae saepe deās vident, quod deae saepe in silvīs Graeciae ambulant. Interdum Lātōna in silvīs ambulat. Fēminae Graeciae Lātōnam, deam pulchram, amant, quod Lātōna est fēminīs benigna. Habitanti gres frekuente vis deai, kause deai frekuente ambul in foresti gres. Kelkfoa Latona ambul in forest. Femini gres am Latona, dea bel, kause Latona es belevolent a femini.
Greek inhabitants often see goddesses, because goddesses often walk in Greek forests. Sometimes Latona walks in forests. Greek women love Latona, the beautiful goddess, because Latona is kind to women.
Nunc Lātōna in silvā ambulat. Cum Lātōnā sunt īnfantēs Diāna et Apollō.Sitempe Latona ambul in forest. Ko Latona es infanti Diana e Apollo.
Now Latona walks in the forest. With Latona are the infants Diana and Apollo.
Agricolae Látōnam et īnfantēs spectant; deam timent. Dea agricolās videt; itaque agricolās vocat. Aquam ōrat. Lātōna aquam nōn dēsīderat; sed īnfantēs aquam dēsīderant.Farmeri vis Latona e infanti; ili tim dea. Dea vis farmeri; ergo ila vok farmeri. Ila preg akua. Latona no desir akua; ma infanti desir akua.
Farmers see Latona and the infants; they fear the goddess. The goddess sees the farmers; therefore she calls the farmers. She asks for water. Latona doesn't want the water; but the infants want the water.
Est aqua in lacūnā, sed agricolae Lātōnae aquam dare nōn dēsīderant. Itaque in lacūnā ambulant; nunc aqua nōn est bona. Lātōna est īrāta quod agricolae sunt in aquā.Es akua in lag, ma farmeri no desir donar akua a Latona. Ergo ili ambul in akua; sitempe akua no es bon. Latona es furios kause farmeri es in akua.
There is water in the lake, but the farmers don't want to give the water to Latona. Therefore they walk in the lake; now the water is not good. Latona is angry because the farmers are in the water.
Dea īrāta clāmat.Dea furios klam.
The angry goddess shouts.
Nunc agricolae sunt rānae. Nunc agricolae in casīs nōn habitant; in lacūnā habitant, quod sunt rānae.Sitempe farmeri es rani. Sitempe ili no habit in domi; ili habit in lag, kause ili es rani.
Now the farmers are frogs. Now the farmers do not live in houses; they live in the lake, because they are frogs.

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