New Lord of the Rings fan-made movie Born of Hope now released

Sunday, December 06, 2009

I completely forgot about this until yesterday - thanks to Olivier for reminding me about it. I thought for some reason that it was to be released sometime in December but it came out right on the first day.

So here it is... note that the movie can also be watched with subtitles in six other languages - French, German, Danish, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.

The movie itself as expected is phenomenal, and resembles one of the many tiny sub-stories one can find in the Silmarillion so any fans of that book will like the movie. It's about twenty minutes longer than the Hunt for Gollum and has a lot more dialogue, but at the same time also has more action and the work on the orcs also seems to have gotten much more sophisticated. Only one part of the movie is obvious CG work, but that's no big deal especially for a free movie, and even the first Spiderman movie had a few awkward-looking scenes suddenly reminiscent of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

I don't suppose it would be too much to ask for another dozen or so of these movies?


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