Turkey's TRT to start two new broadcasts: radio in Armenian, TV in Persian

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Here's a quick bit of news on a new radio broadcast in Armenian TRT is working on. Apparently they are also working on a new tv channel is Persian as well. The last part of the article is on something I wrote on yesterday: on TRT's new channel (begun today) to reach the larger Turkic-speaking world (and what seems to be an effort to make standard Turkish the lingua franca throughout the region.

One interesting thing about Armenian is that for a long time it was thought to be an Iranian language (it's not). You can read about that here.

TRT, Cumhurbaşkanı Gül’ün Erivan’a geçen yıl yaptığı ziyaretle Türkiye-Ermenistan ilişkilerinde başlayan yumuşamanın ardından Ermenice bir radyo yayınına başlamak için çalışmalarını hızlandırdı.
TRT has sped up work on beginning broadcasts in Armenian after relations between Turkey and Armenia have begun to soften after President Gül's visit to Yerevan last year.
Çalışmaların, 1915 Olayları’nı ‘soykırım’ olarak niteleyip nitelemeyeceği merakla beklenen ABD Başkanı Obama’nın Türkiye’yi ziyaretinden önce açıklanması dikkat çekti.
The announcement of the work on the new broadcasts is gaining attention for happening before US President Barack Obama's visit to Turkey, where it is wondered whether he will qualify the events in 1915 as a 'genocide' or not.


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