Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English: part 10

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Here's part 10 of the English translation of the Haas grammar on Occidental in Occidental (from here) that I'm doing mostly for my own benefit. Today is also a busy day so I wasn't able to do a great deal.

And by the way, what's the best English term for taxant?



§127. In mult international parolformationes li prefixes e prefixial expressiones perdi su ultim consonant o assimila it al sequent consonant; in ti casu duplic consonantes es viceat secun § 10 per simplics, exceptet pos ín- (ma anc li altri ortografies es permisset).

adtracter — attracter — atracter, conlaborar — collaborar — colaborar, conoperativ — cooperativ, conposition — composition, disfuser — diffuser — difuser, exmigrar — emmigrar — emigrar, coneducation — coeducation, ínregulari — irregulari, ínlegal — illegal.

§127. In many international word formations the prefixes and prefixed expressions lose their last consonant or assimilate it into the following consonant; in that case doubled consonants are replaced according to § 10 by single ones, except after ín- (but other orthographies are permitted)

adtracter — attracter — atracter, conlaborar — collaborar — colaborar, conoperativ — cooperativ, conposition — composition, disfuser — diffuser — difuser, exmigrar — emmigrar — emigrar, coneducation — coeducation, ínregulari — irregulari, ínlegal — illegal.

§ 128. Li prefixes es:

§ 128. The prefixes are:

bel-: parentitá per maritage: belfratre, belfilio.

bel-: kinship by marriage: belfratre (brother-in-law), belfilio (son-in-law).

des-: cessation, contrarie: desabonnar, desinfecter, desavantage. dis:- separation, dispersion: dismembrar, dissemar.

des-: cessation, contrary: desabonnar (unsubscribe), desinfecter (disinfect), desavantage (disadvantage). dis:- separation, dispersion: dismembrar (dismember), dissemar (disseminate).

ex-: ancian: expresidente, eximperator.

ex-: ex-, previous: expresidente (ex-president), eximperator (ex-emperor).

ho-: sam témpor: hodíe, hosemane, hoannu.

ho-: same time: hodíe (today), hosemane (this week), hoannu (this year).

ín-: negation in adjectives: ínoficial, ínvisibil (ne a confuser al inaccentuat preposition: in-: inpaccar).

ín-: negation in adjectives: ínoficial (unofficial), ínvisibil (invisible) (not to be confused with the unaccented preposition: in-: inpaccar, pack in).

mi-: curt form de demí: midí, minocte, mihor, mifratre.

mi-: short form of demí (half): midí (midday), minocte (midnight), mihor (half-hour), mifratre (half-brother).

mis-: fals, ínconvenient, fallient: miscomprender, misalliantie, misdirecter.

mis-: false, inconvenient, failing: miscomprender (miscomprehend), misalliantie (misalliance), misdirecter (misdirect).

non-: negation in substantives: nonsens, nonfumator.

non-: negation in substantives: nonsens (nonsense), nonfumator (non-smoker).

per-: tra, til fine: perforar, percurrer.

per-: through, to the end: perforar (perforate), percurrer (run through, run all the way).

pre-: in ante, avan: previder, preparar, prehistorie, presider.

pre-: before, in front: previder (preview), preparar (prepare), prehistorie (prehistory), presider (preside).

pro-: ad avan, ad extra: progression, producter.

pro-: to the front / outside: progression, producter (produce).

re-: denove, ad comensa: revider, revenir.

re-: again, to the beginning: revider (review), revenir (return).

step-: parentitá per un duesim maritage: stepmatre, stepfilio.

step-: kinship by a second marriage: stepmatre (stepmother), stepfilio (stepson).

§129. Quam prefixes on usa anc prepositiones, adverbies e li presente de quelc verbes:

adaptar, abreviar, atirar, antedatar, avanbrass, circumscription, consentir, coeducation, coroder, compresser, contrasignar, depender, excluder, expectar, extraordinari, forear, infiltrar, iluminar, importar, intervenir, preterpassar, retromarchar, retroactiv, selfconfidentie, submisser, transportar, transpirar, tradition, ultraclerical, vicepresidente, parapluvie, portamoné, tirabuton.

§129. As prefixes one also uses prepositions, adverbs and the present of some verbs:

adaptar, abreviar, atirar, antedatar, avanbrass, circumscription, consentir, coeducation, coroder, compresser, contrasignar, depender, excluder, expectar, extraordinari, forear, infiltrar, iluminar, importar, intervenir, preterpassar, retromarchar, retroactiv, selfconfidentie, submisser, transportar, transpirar, tradition, ultraclerical, vicepresidente, parapluvie, portamoné, tirabuton.

§ 130. Mult international paroles es format per grec prefixes:

decametre, decilitre, hectolitre, hemisfere, hipermodern, kilometre, monoplan, panslavisme, pseudocrist, telefonar.

§ 130. Many international words are formed by Greek prefixes:

decametre, decilitre, hectolitre, hemisfere, hipermodern, kilometre, monoplan, panslavisme, pseudocrist, telefonar.


§ 131. Li sufixes adjunte se al radica ínmediatmen o med vocales o consonantes ligativ. In infra es indicat li complet finales, ma sin alquel desinenties facultativ.

On posse adjunter pluri sufixes in li sam parol.

§ 131. Suffixes are added immediately to the root or with ligative vowels or consonants. Complete endings are indicated below, but without any facultative terminations.

One can add multiple suffixes in the same word.

§ 132. In mult international parolformationes existe un contraction de du simil succedent sones o songruppes a un sol.

p. ex. minera(lo)logie, popular(i)isar, pacif(ic)isme, infanter(i)ist, ambiti(on)osi, religi(on)osi, ident(ic)itá, nu(tri)tresse, mum(i)ificar.

§ 132. In many international word formations there is a contraction of two similar following sounds or groups of sounds into one.

ex. minera(lo)logie, popular(i)isar, pacif(ic)isme, infanter(i)ist, ambiti(on)osi, religi(on)osi, ident(ic)itá, nu(tri)tresse, mum(i)ificar.

§ 133. Taxant sufixes.§ 133. Rating* sufixes.

-ett: diminutive, frequentative, micri objectes: filietto, statuette, cigarrette, pincette, inflammette, rosette, foliettar, volettar, saltettar.

-ett: diminutive, frequentative, small objects: filietto, statuette, cigarrette, pincette, inflammette, rosette, foliettar, volettar, saltettar.

-illio, -innia: caressiv: fratrillio, matrinnia, carinnia.

-illio, -innia: caressive: fratrillio, matrinnia, carinnia.

-issim: in maxim alt gradu: grandissim, bellissim.

-issim: highest grade: grandissim, bellissim.

-ach: pejorativ, despreciant: cavallacho, linguache, criticachar.

-ach: pejorative, condemning: cavallacho, linguache, criticachar.


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