Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English: part 9

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Here's part 9 of the English translation of the Haas grammar on Occidental in Occidental (from here) that I'm doing mostly for my own benefit. I'm a little bit busy today so wasn't able to get a great deal done, just two pages or so.

§118. Li signes de interpunction deve esser usat talmen, que li comprension del textu es afacilat. Proque lor usation in li lingues national es multvez contradictori, on deve usar les secun li principie natural, to es por indicar, u on deve stoppar in li leida, respectivmen por separar li partes del frase.§118. Signs of punctuation should be used in a manner that makes it easier to understand the text. Because their use in national languages is often contradictory, one should use them according to natural principle, that is to indicate where one should stop in reading, relatively to separate the parts of a sentence.

§119. Li punctu (.) indica un stoppa passabilmen grand. It es usat por separar complet frases, expressent un pensa terminat.

§119. The period (.) indicates a fairly large stop. It is used to separate complete phrases, expressing a completed thought.

§120. Li punctu-comma (;) indica un stoppa min grand. It es usat por separar complet frases con pensas coherent.

Por hodíe il es content; nam noi laborat del matin til li vésper.

§120. The semi-colon (;) indicates a stop less large. It is used to separate complete phrases with jointed thoughts.

For today he is content; because we worked from morning to the evening.

§ 121. Li comma (,) indica li minim grand stoppa. It es usat por separar li divers partes de un frase composit, o divers frases coherent tam mult, que on ne vole separar les per un punctu o punctu-comma.

Por hodíe il es content, ma certmen deman noi va dever continuar li labor, si li tempe va permisser to.

Per li comma it es in mult casus possibil far plu clar li sens de un frase, per indicar, ca li paroles es a separar in un cert loc o in un altri, o ne es a separar. Specialmen on deve atenter, que atributes, queles es necessi por definir un cert notion, es adjuntet sin comma, tales queles descripte solmen, es separat per comma.

Il ha racontat me to quo li altris ne deve saver.
Il ha racontat me to, quo li altris ne deve saver (que il ha racontat it a me).
Il ne ama li infantes queles fa brui si ili ne es controlat.
Il ne ama li infantes, queles fa brui si ili ne es controlat.
Il ne ama li infantes queles fa brui, si ili ne es controlat.
Il ne ama li infantes, queles fa brui, si ili ne es controlat.

§ 121. The comma (,) indicates the smallest stop. It is used to separate the diverse parts of a composite phrase, or diverse jointed phrases so many that one does not want to separate them with a period or semi-colon.

For today he is content, but tomorrow we will certainly have to continue the work, if the weather will permit it.

With the comma it is in many cases possible to make clear the sense of a phrase, indicating whether the words are to separate in a certain place or in another, or are not to be separated. In particular one needs to pay attention to what attributes are necessary to define a certain notion are added without a comma, and that those that simply describe are separated with a comma*.

He has told me that which the others should not know.
He has told me that, what the others should not know (that he has said it to me).
He does not love the children which make noice if they are not controlled.
He does not love the children, which make noise if they are not controlled.
He does not love the children which make noise, if they are not controlled.
He does not love the children, who make noise, if they are not controlled.

§122. Por indicar li paroles maxim important del frase on posse usar li accentu scrit.

Yó ea con la (ne tú). Yo éa con la (yo ne fa quam li altris, queles né ea con la). Yo ea con élla (ne con li áltris). Save vu, de u il veni?

§122. To indicate the most important words in a phrase one can use the written accent.

I go with her (not you). I go with her (I do not do as the others, which do not go with her). I go with her (not with the others). Do you know from where he comes?

§ 123. Li altri signes de interpunction:

Colon (:), punctus suspensiv (...), parentese ( ), crampones ([ ]), imbrassamentes({ }), strec ligant (-), strec separant (—), signes (hocos) de citation (" "), signe de exclamation (!), signe interrogativ (?) e apostrof (') es usat plu o min internationalmen. (! e ? sta solmen in li fine del frase, ne anc in li comensa.)

§ 123. Other punctuational signs:

Colon (:), punctus suspensiv (...), parentese ( ), crampones ([ ]), imbrassamentes({ }), strec ligant (-), strec separant (—), signes (hocos) de citation (" "), signe de exclamation (!), signe interrogativ (?) and apostrof (') are used more or less internationally. (! and ? are only found at the beginning of the phrase, not at the beginning as well.)

§124. Nov paroles es format per
A. Adjuntion de desinenties.
B. Adjuntion de prefixes.
C. Adjuntion de sufixes.
D. Composition de du o pluri paroles.
§124. New words are formed by
A. Addition of terminations.
B. Addition of prefixes.
C. Addition of suffixes.
D. Composition of two or multiple words.

§ 125. Li adjuntion de desinenties es ja tractat in li concernent paragrafes del grammatica:

§ 125. The addition of terminations is already dealt with in the concerning paragraphs of the grammar:

1) Desinenties substantivic: -e (§22, 30, 87)

-a (§ 24, 30, 87)

-o (§ 24, 30)

-u (§ 25) -um (§31)

2) Desinenties adjectivic: -i (§29).

3) Desinenties adverbial: -e (§74) -men (§ 90).

1) Noun terminations: -e (§22, 30, 87)

-a (§ 24, 30, 87)

-o (§ 24, 30)

-u (§ 25) -um (§31)

2) Adjectival terminations: -i (§29).

3) Adverbial terminations: -e (§74) -men (§ 90).

§ 126. Ti desinenties es un consequentie del caracterisant vocales final de Interlingue:

§ 126. These terminations are a consequence of the caracteristic final vowels of Interlingue:

-e es li finale general, sin special signification, usat por fixar li corect pronunciation del precedent consonant, pro eufonie o distinction de simil paroles (precipue de substantives del egalform adjective).

Pace, image, rose, libre, cable, altruisme, curve, centre, central, centrale, directiv, directive, marine, circulare, cantate, infinite, tangente, adherente, manjante, denove.

-e is the general ending, without special meaning, used to fix the correct pronunciation of the preceding consonant, for euphony or to distinguish similar words (mostly of nouns from adjectives of the same form).

Pace, image, rose, libre, cable, altruisme, curve, centre, central, centrale, directiv, directive, marine, circulare, cantate, infinite, tangente, adherente, manjante, denove.

-a trova se in paroles indicant activitá, loc o témpor de it, alquó extendet, universal, colectiv, con vivent entes lu feminin.

dansa, dansada, plazza, imperia, era, pasca, rosiera, liga, secta, posta, americana, filia, studianta, cavalla.

-a is found in words indicating activity, location or time, something prolonged, universal, collective, and with living things the feminine.

dansa, dansada, plazza, imperia, era, pasca, rosiera, liga, secta, posta, americana, filia, studianta, cavalla.

-o trova se in paroles indicant lu concret, material, special, individual, con vivent entes lu masculin.

forso, humo, rosiero, posto, americano, filio, cavallo.

-o is found in words that indicate something concrete, material, special, individual, and with living entities the masculine.

forso, humo, rosiero, posto, americano, filio, cavallo.

-u indica alquó abstract, neutri, un relativitá, o es usat por reciver li international derivates.

statu, casu, unaltru, manu, gradu.

-u indicates something abstract, neuter, a relativity, or is used to receive international derivatives.

statu, casu, unaltru, manu, gradu.

-i es li finale adjectivic, por fixar li corect pronunciation del consonant final, pro eufonie o por distinction de simil paroles.

felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori, amari, curvi, vacui.

e, a, o, u, i: rose, rosi, rosiero, rosiera; porte, porta, portu, portuari, portale; posta, posto.

-i is the adjectival final, to fix the correct pronounciation of the final consonant, for euphony or for distinction of similar words.

felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori, amari, curvi, vacui.

e, a, o, u, i: rose, rosi, rosiero, rosiera; porte, porta, portu, portuari, portale; posta, posto.


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