Grammar of Occidental/Interlingue in Occidental translated into English: part 6

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Here's part 6 of the English translation of the Haas grammar on Occidental in Occidental (from here) that I'm doing mostly for my own benefit. Today's content is all about adverbs. Looks like I'm over half done too.


§ 88. Por indicar un qualitá de un substantive on usa un adjective, de altri paroles un adverbie.

Un prudent mann acte prudentmen.

§ 88. To indicate a quality of a noun one uses an adjective, of other words an adverb.

Un prudent mann acte prudentmen. (A prudent man acts prudently.)

§89. In Interlingue on posse usar li adjective vice li adverbie, si li sens es clar.

Il ha bon laborat. Noi serchat long.

§89. In Interlingue one can use the adjective instead of the adverb, if the sense is clear.

Il ha bon laborat. Noi serchat long. (He has worked well/good. We searched long.)

§ 90. It existe adverbies primari sin special finale, e adverbies derivat de adjectives per adjunter li ínaccentuat finale -men.

tre, sempre, deman, natural, naturalmen, respectosi, respectosimen.

§ 90. There exist primary adverbs with no special ending, and derived adverbs from adjectives by adding the unaccented final -men.

tre, sempre, deman, natural, naturalmen, respectosi, respectosimen.

(very, always, tomorrow, natural, naturally, respectful, respectfully)

§91. Vice special adverbies on usa multvez adverbial expressiones, format per prepositiones.

ex memorie, in general, in fine, per hasard.

§91. Instead of special abverbs one often uses adverbial expressions, made by prepositions.

ex memorie, in general, in fine, per hasard.

(from memory, in general, in the end, by chance)

§ 92. Li comparative e superlative es format in li sam maniere quam in li adjectives.

Il parla li lingue fluentmen. Il scri in min elegant maniere. Il salutat le maxim respectosimen. Si vu es fatigat, vu labora min rapidmen quam si vu es reposat.

§ 92. The comparative and superlative are formed in the same manner as with adjectives.

Il parla li lingue fluentmen. Il scri in min elegant maniere. Il salutat le maxim respectosimen. Si vu es fatigat, vu labora min rapidmen quam si vu es reposat.

(He speaks the language fluently. He writes in the least elegant manner. He saluted most respectfully. If you are tired, you work less rapidly than if you are rested.)

§ 93. Secun li sens on posse gruppar li adverbies in adverbies de maniere, de quantitá, de loc, de témpor, e adverbies afirmativ, negativ e de dúbite.§ 93. One can group adverbs according to sense in adverbs of manner, of quantity, of location, of time, and affirmative, negative and doubtful adverbs.

§94. Li adverbies de maniere responde al question: qualmen?

qualmen, quam, talmen, tam, alquam, nequam, solmen, apen, tot, totalmen, totmen, ne totmen, totmen ne, presc, poc, poc a poc, mem, precipue, junt, anc, denove, tamen, malgré to, dunc.

Yo ne save, qualmen il posse laborar tam rapidmen quam un machine, nam il fa tant rapid, que on presc ne posse sequer. Il dit to quam rey. Il ne acte quam un rey. It es impossibíl far it talmen. Il ha fat it alquam = in alcun maniere. Il posse far it nequam = in necun maniere. It es tot egal, esque vu vide li tot munde o quelc partes de it. Il ha totalmen miscomprendet ti libre. Ma tamen on ne deve judicar solmen la, proque ella ne totmen comprende li lingue, e to es totmen ne su propri culpa. On posse mem dir que to es precipue li culpa del altris.

§94. Adverbs of manner responde to the question: how?

qualmen, quam, talmen, tam, alquam, nequam, solmen, apen, tot, totalmen, totmen, ne totmen, totmen ne, presc, poc, poc a poc, mem, precipue, junt, anc, denove, tamen, malgré to, dunc.

I don't know how he can work as rapidly as a machine, because he works so fast that one can barely keep up. He said that like a king. He doesn't act like a king. It is impossible to do it that way. He has done it somehow (alquam) = in some manner (in alcun maniere). He cannot do it at all (nequam) = in no manner (in necun maniere). It is all the same whether you see the entire world or some parts of it. He has totally misunderstood that book. But however one shouldn't judge only her, because she doesn't completely understand the language, and that is entirely not her own fault. One can even say that that is mainly the fault of others.

§95. Li adverbies de quantitá responde al question: quant?

quant, tant, sat, suficent, nequant, alquant, tre, tro, circa, mult, poc, un poc, quelcvez, multvez, sovente, plu, adplu, sempre, sempre plu, sempre plu mult, sempre plu mult ancor, min, plu o min, maxim, admaxim, minim, adminim, maxim possibil, minim possibil, maximal, minimal, proxim, ancor, plus, minus.

Quant persones esset ci? Tant quant yer. Circa duanti persones sedet circum li table, adminim tri persones tro mult, proque li table havet plazza solmen por admaxim 17 persones. Poc a poc ili va observar un poc, que ili labora per un metode poc apt por ti scop.

§95. Adverbs of quantity respond to the question: how many?

quant, tant, sat, suficent, nequant, alquant, tre, tro, circa, mult, poc, un poc, quelcvez, multvez, sovente, plu, adplu, sempre, sempre plu, sempre plu mult, sempre plu mult ancor, min, plu o min, maxim, admaxim, minim, adminim, maxim possibil, minim possibil, maximal, minimal, proxim, ancor, plus, minus.

How many people were here? As many as yesterday. Around twenty people sat around the table, at least three people too many, because the table had places only for at most 17 people. Gradually they will see somewhat, that they work with a method hardly* apt for that scope.

§96. Li adverbies de loc responde al question: u, a u, de u? (Li preposition a es in combinationes viceat per ad.)

u, ci, ta, alcú, necú, partú, ucunc, supra, infra, circum, éxter, extra, intra, ínter, detra, levul, dextri, proxim, lontan. A ci, a ta, adavan, retro, up = adsupra, a bass, adinfra, de infra, préter.

U vu ha comprat ti libre? In un librería u on trova sempre li maxim recent libres. Alcú vu certmen va trovar li tant serchat flor. Ma ucunc vu sercha, ples nequande obliviar, que partú es bell flores. Yo espera que to es finalmen partú sat conosset. In vor proxim lettre vu deve scrir un poc plu del eclesia proxim vor dom. Il venit de infra, passat préter nos, e eat adsupra. Ma fórsan il va bentost ear retro in su cava.

§96. Adverbs of location respond to the question: where, to where, from where? (The preposition a is in combinations replaced with ad.)

u, ci, ta, alcú, necú, partú, ucunc, supra, infra, circum, éxter, extra, intra, ínter, detra, levul, dextri, proxim, lontan. A ci, a ta, adavan, retro, up = adsupra, a bass, adinfra, de infra, préter.

Where have you bought that book? In a bookshop where one always finds the most recent books. Somewhere you will certainly find the flower so sought. But wherever you search, please never forget, that there are beautiful flowers everywhere. I hope that that is finally known well enough everywhere. In your recent letter you should write a bit more of the church close to your house. He came from below, passed by us, and went up. But perhaps he will soon go back into his basement.

§97. Li adverbies de témpor responde al question: quande?

quande, unquande, alquande, nequande, quandecunc, alor, tande, ínterim, nu, strax, subitmen, just, justmen, bentost, tost, tard, temporan, solmen, ne ante, sovente, sempre, ne plu, antey, poy, depoy, desde, in ante, ja, ancor, ne ancor, adplu, ulteriori, hodíe, ho-annu, ho-témpor, deman, posdeman, yer, anteyer, unvez, durante, finalmen, in fine.

Quande yo visitat le, il racontat me, que unquande il ha incontrat la, ma nequande plu desde alor. Nu il es old e ínterim il ha mult laborat. Just nu vu posse far it, proque vu es tost, ma bentost it vell esser tro tard. Presc sempre il es ci, solmen deman il va departer e retornar ne ante deci horas del vésper, e fórsan solmen posdeman. In ante yo posse dir vos solmen to, nam it es ancor íncert, ca il ne deve subitmen changear su projectes.

§97. Adverbs of time respond to the question: when?

quande, unquande, alquande, nequande, quandecunc, alor, tande, ínterim, nu, strax, subitmen, just, justmen, bentost, tost, tard, temporan, solmen, ne ante, sovente, sempre, ne plu, antey, poy, depoy, desde, in ante, ja, ancor, ne ancor, adplu, ulteriori, hodíe, ho-annu, ho-témpor, deman, posdeman, yer, anteyer, unvez, durante, finalmen, in fine.

When I visited him, he told me that once he had met her, but never again since then. Now he is old and meanwhile he has worked a lot. Just now you can do it, because you are early, but soon it would be too late. He is here almost always, only tomorrow he will depart and return not before ten o'clock at night, and maybe only tomorrow*. I can only tell you that beforehand, because it is still uncertain if he shouldn't suddenly change his plans.

§98. Li adverbies de afirmation, negation, dúbit es: yes, no, ne, ne plu, si, ya, fórsan, sin dúbite.

Esque vu ne ha videt le? Si, il esset ya in li scol e sin dúbit ne plu va retornar ante midí.

§98. The adverbs of affirmation, negation, and doubt are: yes, no, ne, ne plu, si, ya, fórsan, sin dúbite.

Esque vu ne ha videt le? Yes, il esset ya in li scol e sin dúbit ne plu va retornar ante midí.

(Haven't you seen him? Yes, he was in the school and certainly will not return before midday.)


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