Barack Obama official portrait with explanation in Persian (پرتره رسمی باراک اوباما)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

On the Persian Wikipedia right now the image of the week is Barack Obama's official portrait; this one here:

and luckily the explanation is in simple enough Persian that I can understand it and explain what it means to anyone learning the language. First, the explanation copied and pasted:

پرتره رسمی باراک اوباما رئیس جمهور ایالات متحده آمریکا (از ۲۰ ژانویه ۲۰۰۹)، نخستین پرتره رسمی یک رئیس جمهور آمریکا که با دوربین دیجیتال گرفته شده‌است. ء

This says: "Official portrait of Barack Obama, President of the United States of America (from 20 January 2009), the first official portrait of an American President taken with a digital camera.

(Ignore that mark at the end; I put it there because without it the period goes on the right side and messes up the appearance. Tell me if there's another way to get rid of it)

Since the language is written from right to left it's not that easy to show what each word means without breaking up the sentence...unless I put it in an image like this:

The (of) written in there is just to make the meaning a bit clearer, but isn't written anywhere in Persian.


Anonymous said...

Je note qu'on écrit "Rais Jamhur" pour Président de la Républic, parce que Rais ne veut dire que chef, comme en fransais président veut dire chairman.

Quel dico perse avez vous? J'ai le Haim's, qui est facile a lire, point de vue type size.


Me said...

In facte yo ne have un dictionarium de pers, solmen quelc textus queles yo ha comprat ci in Corea. In librerías in Corea on posse trovar solmen un dictionarium, pers-corean, tro grand e tro expensiv (45000 won, 25 Euro). Fórsan yo deve comprar un dictionarium online, li Haim's o un altri bon version. Quo es li precie del Haim's?

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