German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur to offer service in Turkish starting April 2009 / Alman haber ajansından Türkçe haber hizmeti

Friday, December 26, 2008

Source: (Turkish)

Almanya'nın önde gelen haber ajanslarından "Deutsche Presse-Agentur(dpa)" Türkçe haber ağını Nisan ayı içinde hizmete sokacak.
One of Germany's most prominent news agencies, "Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)" will start a Turkish news service in April.

The rest of the article is what one would expect, mostly about how the new service is being set up to help integration of the large Turkish minority in Germany.

The office will be set up in Berlin: "Yeni Türkçe redaksiyon hizmeti Berlin'de kurulacak"

News might be prepared in German for the service as well if Turkish/German media institutions so desire: "Türk ve Alman medya kurumları istedikleri takdirde haberleri Almanca olarak da tedarik edebilecekler"

According to Wikipedia they offer news in four languages, so this will be the fifth.


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