Cicero letter to a friend (M. TVLLI CICERONIS EPISTVLARVM AD FAMILIARES LIBER SEPTIMVS) translated into Occidental and Sambahsa-mundialect

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nam quid ego te athletas putem desiderare, qui gladiatores contempseris? in quibus ipse Pompeius confitetur se et operam et oleum perdidisse. Reliquae sunt venationes binae per dies quinque, magnificae—nemo negat—, sed quae potest homini esse polito delectatio, cum aut homo imbecillus a valentissima bestia laniatur aut praeclara bestia venabulo transverberatur?

Here's a small extract of one of Cicero's letters to friends (full text here) that I was thinking of translating into Occidental, but I wasn't really having any luck with Occidental terms for words like praeclara and videnda, and Olivier translated it into Occidental and Sambahsa-mundialect instead.

Also into another language he uses for a certain role-playing game, but I'll just include the two to keep it simple. Here they are:

Quae potest homini esse polito delectatio, cum aut homo imbecillus a valentissima bestia laniatur aut praeclara bestia venabulo transverberatur?
What pleasure can it give a cultivated man to watch some poor fellow being torn to pieces by a powerful beast or a superb beast being pierced with a hunting spear?
Qual plesura poss it dar ad un cultivat hom spectar quàlcunc povri hom star lacerat in pezzes de un bestie potent o un bestie superb star traforat med un chassalans?
Quod kwe plaisure ghehdt dahe uni cultiven mensci smauter sem miser type bihe dischtukelt ab un staur biest au un puyku biest bihe transbaurnis med un saydlance?
Quae tamen, si videnda sunt, saepe vidisti; neque nos, qui haec spectamus, quicquam novi vidimus.
Even were such things worth looking at, you've seen them many times, and we saw nothing new this time.
Etsi tal coses vell esser digni de esser videt, tu ha videt les plur vezes, e noi ha videt nequo' nov ye ti vez. Esdi talg jects esient vidolgh, has vis ia ye plur kers, ed hams vis neid nov ye tod ker.
Extremus elephantorum dies fuit.
The last day was devoted to the elephants.
Li ùltim die esset devoet al elephants. Id sensto dien buit dedien im elephants.
In quo admiratio magna vulgi atquae turbae, delectatio nulla exstitit; quin etiam misericordia quaedam consecuta est atque opinio eius modi, esse quamdam illi beluae cum genere humano societatem.
The vulgar populace was enthusiastic, but there was no pleasure in it; indeed, the show provoked some sort of compassion, a feeling that there is some kinship between this great beast and humankind.
Li populache vulgari esset enthuasiast, ma ta ne esset plesura in it; in fact li spectacul provocat un sorte de compassion, un sentiment que ta esset un parentità 'inter ti grand bestie e li géner homan.Id vulgar populace eet enthusiast, bet eet neid plaisure in id, idghi skau provoquit sem genis compassion, un khisses od est un kerabat inter tel mier biest ed id menscen genos.


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