Talks going on between Turkey and Iran on natural gas / İran'la doğalgaz müzakereleri sürüyor

Monday, November 17, 2008

16 Kasım 2008, Pazar
16 November 2008, Sunday

Source: (Turkish)

Türkiye ve İran arasındaki doğal gaz müzakereleri devam ediyor.
Discussions are continuing between Turkey and Iran on natural gas.

Türkiye adına Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı Hilmi Güler ile ev sahibi ülke adına Petrol Bakanı Gulam Hüseyin Nozeri başkanlığındaki heyetlerin doğal gaz konusundaki görüşmeleri devam ediyor.
Meetings on the issue of natural gas are continuing between delegations with two ministers presiding: Natural Resources Minister Hilmi Güler representing Turkey and the host nation's Petrol Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari (غلامحسین نوذری).
Müzakerelerde iki ülke arasındaki mutabakat zaptına ilişkin konuların değerlendirildiği belirtildi.
Issues related to a memorandum of understanding between the two countries are being appraised in the meetings.
Bakan Güler, ''hem Türkiye'nin hem de Avrupa'nın doğal gaza ihtiyacı var. Bu konular görüşülecek'' açıklamasında bulunmuştu.
Mr. Güler said in a statement that "both Turkey and Europe need natural gas. These issues will be discussed."
Bakan Nozeri ise, İran doğal gazının Türkiye üzerinden Avrupa pazarına ulaştırılmasına ilişkin projenin ele alınacağını kaydetmişti.
Mr. Nozari said that a project will be considered that would transport Iranian natural gas to Europe through Turkey.
Türkiye ve İran'ın, Temmuz 2007'de ortak enerji yatırımı yapması, İran doğal gazının Türkiye üzerinden Avrupa pazarına sunulması, Türkmenistan doğal gazının İran - Türkiye güzergahıyla Avrupa'ya ulaştırılması ve petrol ticaretindeki işbirliğinin artırılmasını öngören mutabakat zaptı, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı Hilmi Güler ve İran adına dönemin Petrol Bakanı Kazım Veziri Hamaneh tarafından imzalanmıştı.
In July of 2007 a number of memoranda of understanding between Turkey and Iran were signed by the Turkish Energy and Resources Minister Hilmi Güler and the Petrol Minister Kazem Vaziri Hamaneh (كاظم وزيری هامانه) representing Iran on mutual energy investment, providing Iranian natural gas to the European market through Turkey, sending natural gas from Turkmenistan to Europe through a route through Iran and Turkey, and an increase of cooperation on oil trading.
Türkiye'nin İran'dan daha fazla doğal gaz alımına ilişkin talebinin de müzakere edilen konular arasında olduğu belirtildi.
A request from Turkey to Iran for a purchase of more natural gas is also one of the issues in the talks.


Anonymous said...

An interesting development!

A new international language, named after Barack Obama, has been launched to challenge the global language, Esperanto.

It is called Obami and can be seen at

However Obami will have a lot of work to do to catch up with Esperanto.

Esperanto is now within the top 100 languages, out of 6,000 worldwide, according to the CIA factbook. It is the 17th most used language in Wikipedia, and in use by Skype, Firefox and Facebook.

Native Esperanto speakers - people who have spoken Esperanto from birth - include George Soros, Ulrich Brandenber, the new German Ambassador to NATO, and World Champion Chess Player, Susan Polger.

The World Esperanto Association enjoys consultative relations with both the United Nations and UNESCO.

An interesting video can be seen at

Brian Barker said...

An interesting development!

A new international language, named after Barack Obama, has been launched to challenge the global language, Esperanto.

It is called Obami and can be seen at

However Obami will have a lot of work to do to catch up with Esperanto.

Esperanto is now within the top 100 languages, out of 6,000 worldwide, according to the CIA factbook. It is the 17th most used language in Wikipedia, and in use by Skype, Firefox and Facebook.

Native Esperanto speakers - people who have spoken Esperanto from birth - include George Soros, Ulrich Brandenber, the new German Ambassador to NATO, and World Champion Chess Player, Susan Polger.

The World Esperanto Association enjoys consultative relations with both the United Nations and UNESCO.

An interesting video can be seen at

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