Barack Obama's new ad in Spanish, plus translation in Ido

Friday, October 24, 2008

Barack Obama just put out a new ad today in Spanish and someone here on Daily Kos has put up the complete transcript as well as a translation in Spanish. I haven't written in Ido for a while so I'll add an Ido translation on the right for fun. Here it is:

Español English Ido
Compartimos un sueño, que trabajando duro, tu familia puede triunfar. Que si te enfermas, tengas un seguro médico. Que nuestros hijos puedan recibir una buena educación, sean ricos o pobres. Este es el sueño americano. Te pido tu voto, no solo para mi y los demócratas si no para matener ese sueño vivo para ti y para tus hijos. Soy Barack Obama y yo apruebo este mensaje. We share a dream, that working hard, your family can succeed. That if you fall ill, you’ll have medical insurance. That our children will be able to receive a good education, if they are rich as if they are poor. This is the American dream. I ask your vote, not only for me and the democrats, but also to keep this dream alive for you and your children. I am Barack Obama and I approve this message. Ni partoprenas revo, ke laborante harde, tua familio povas triumfar. Ke se tu maladeskas, tu havos asekuro medikala. Ke nia pueri povas recevar bona edukado, sive richa sive povra. Ico esas la Amerikala revo. Me pregas tua voto, ne nur por me e la demokrati ma anke por mantenar ica revo vivante por tu e tua pueri. Me esas Barack Obama e me aprobabas ica mensajo.

By the way, this is Barack Obama's first ad in Spanish in the general election, but he also put out an ad in Spanish in Puerto Rico during the primaries as well. In May I think.


Anonymous said...

Kar amiko,

Ka vu permisas me editar la Idala tradukuro en Ido-angla posto listo?

-- alciono

Me said...

Komprenende! Ido esas por omni.

Anonymous said...

Kar amiko,

Ka vu permisas me editar la Idala tradukuro en Ido-angla posto listo?

-- alciono

Mithridates said...

Komprenende! Ido esas por omni.

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