Google Chrome will be the first Google product to really break into the Korean market

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

That's my bold prediction after trying it out for a day. Most people who have spent any time in Korea know that Google simply hasn't been able to make inroads into the search engine market here, because Naver is king and nobody thinks to use Google any more than people in North America think to use Microsoft Live to search.

The reason why is the utter speed in which it processes code-heavy pages that Koreans just seem to love. Korean web pages are mostly filled to the brim with script and drop-down menus, and take forever to load on old browsers. Take a look at this site for example: Megabox, the best movie theatre chain in Korea (because I know for sure they don't cut off the credits at the end like some theatres here will do).

Just as a small example, I tested the loading time of a few web pages here:

1www.donga.com98.02 KB1.98 seconds KB0.05 seconds

3www.naver.com59.53 KB1.68 seconds

4www.nytimes.com108.48 KB0.25 seconds

5www.facebook.com2.67 KB0.31 seconds is a newspaper, is a search engine, and they both take much much longer to load than the other three pages. It's a small sample but a quick inspection of a number of Korean sites will show just how bloated they can be.

Now comes Google Chrome, which is not just incrementally faster than other browsers but amazingly faster, and you can really feel it on Korean pages. Checking the weather on Naver could take up to half a minute on Firefox while whatever horrendous script it uses starts up, but with Chrome it was no different than looking at two regular pages you'd find on any other site.

It's still a bit bare-bones and in beta, but once a few of the rough edges are ironed out and word of mouth starts to spread, expect to see it spread by word of mouth as people over here begin to see how much faster it is to do the same thing. It's also good to remember that Internet Explorer, unlike Naver, isn't from a Korean product and thus there's no real brand loyalty there anyway, just an extreme dislike of anything different from the comfortable IE experience.

And a little bit in Korean at the end:

마지막으로 조금 한국어로: 어제 갑자기 구글의 새 브라우저인 크롬이 나왔죠? 모질라 파이어폭스와 달리 이번의 구글크롬이 한국에서도 인터넷익스플롤러보다 인기가 많을 가능성도 있다고 생각한다. 왜냐하면, 파이어폭스는 IE보다 어느정도 빠르기는 한데 한국사이트를 이용할 때 문제가 많이 생길 수도 있으니까 귀찮아서 안 쓰는 사람이 많은데 구글 크롬은 그냥 어느정도 더 빠른것이 아니라 훨씬 빠르고 편한 브라우저예요. 네이버에서 날씨를 확인할 때, 인코딩이 많아 로딩이 느린 한국의 웹페이지도 갑자기 편해졌어요. 아직은 베타버전이니까 금방 IE보다 인기가 많을거라고 생각하지는 않은데 "야, 이 브라우저가 완전 빠르다, 너도 좀 써봐" 같은 입소문으로 사용자가 급히 많아질거라고 생각해요.

벌써 크롬을 좋게 평가한 기사가 많이 나왔네요. 이것도 그 중의 하나:
국내에서도 크롬에 대한 긍정적인 평가가 우세하다.

크롬은 군더더기를 빼 깔끔하고 웹 브라우저 본연의 기능에 충실하다는 평가가 제기됐다. 또 불필요한 부분들을 과감히 없애 웹 브라우저 창을 늘렸으며 상태표시줄도 평소에는 보지 않도록 한 점, 빠른 속도도 만족스럽다는 평가가 많았다.
하지만 파이어폭스가 제공하는 수준의 부가 기능을 기대한다면 아쉬운 점이 많다는 평가도 있었다.

맞아요, 저도 부가 기능 때문에 계속 파이어폭스도 쓸 겁니다. 예를 들어서 Tajpu라는 부가 기능으로 제가 쓰는 Dvorak Keyboard (한국의 삼벌식과 약간 비슷함)를 그대로 쓰면서 터키어를 빨리 입력할 수 있어요. 터키어를 쓸 때는 꼭 파이어폭스.


Paul D. said...

I thought the big problem in Korea is that most important websites, like all banking websites, require antiquated IE6 ActiveX technology, so Koreans basically had no choice when it came to their OS and browser.

Me said...

That's one problem, but most don't spend the majority of their time using them. I could see a lot of people using Chrome most of the time and bringing up IE when needing to use banking websites and the rest.

Barcodex said...

Very few people are capable to use more than one browser, unfortunately.
Working for more than 10 years in IT, I can see monobrowsing people even there

Paul D. said...

I thought the big problem in Korea is that most important websites, like all banking websites, require antiquated IE6 ActiveX technology, so Koreans basically had no choice when it came to their OS and browser.

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