European Union planning aid for Georgia / AB Gürcistan'a yardım planlıyor

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well, I guess that solves the question as to whether the EU is committed to Georgia (= BTC and Nabucco Pipelines) or not. The US has committed $1 billion of aid, and this 500 million Euro ($700 million) is nearly equal to that, probably about the same after aid from individual nations is factored in. Keeping in mind that the war was estimated to have cost Georgia about $1 billion, all the aid coming in will easily surpass that.

Russia's consolation prize (remember, Russia spent some money on the war and lost lives too and certainly is not getting any sympathy or money from the world for its pains) is that it gets to stay in and build up South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and I expect the two sides to compete over the next while to see who is capable of building up a better country, as per North-South Korea, Cyprus, East-West Germany and any other example you can think of.

AB Gürcistan'a yardım planlıyor
EU planning aid for Georgia
AB Komisyonu'nun dış ilişkilerden sorumlu Üyesi Rusya ile geçen ay girdiği savaşta ağır hasar gören Gürcistan'a gelecek 2 yılda 500 milyon avroya kadar yardım planladıklarını söyledi.
The EU Commission member responsible for foreign relations said that they were planning up to 500 million Euros worth of aid to Georgia, which saw heavy damage in the war with Russia last month.
Ferrero-Waldner, AB üyesi ülkelerin dışişleri bakanlarını buluşturan Genel İşler ve Dış İlişkiler Konseyi'ne girerken yaptığı açıklamada, üye ülkelerden de yapılacak yardımlarla toplam miktarın 1 milyar avroya ulaşmasını umduğunu dile getirdi.
Ferrero-Waldner (European External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner) made a statement while entering the General Affairs and External Relations Council, a council composed of foreign ministers from EU nations, where she even said that he hoped the total amount would reach 1 billion Euros along with the aid from member countries.
AB Komisyonu'nun Gürcistan'a planladığı yardım, yerlerinden edilmiş halkın temel ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasında, savaşta büyük zarar gören altyapının onarılmasında ve ekonominin canlandırılmasında kullanılacak.
The European Commission's planned aid for Georgia is in response to the basic needs of deprived citizens in the regions, and will be used in the repairing of infrastructure that has been heavily damaged in the war, and economic revival.

15.Eylül.2008 13:08:32
15 September 2008 13:08:32


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