Thursday, August 14, 2008

Israel provides humanitarian aid to Georgia / İsrail'den Gürcistan'a insani yardım

Unrelated to this article but very pretty: Gremi (Georgian: გრემი) is a 16th-century architectural monument – the royal citadel and the Church of the Archangels – in Kakheti, Georgia. The complex is what has survived from the once flourishing town of Gremi and is located east of the present-day village of the same name in the Kvareli district, 175 kilometers east of Tbilisi, capital of Georgia.

A short piece of news from on the war in South Ossetia / Georgia.
İsrail'den Gürcistan'a insani yardım
Humanitarian aid from Israel to Georgia
İsrail, Gürcistan'a insani yardım gönderdi.
Israel has sent humanitarian aid to Georgia.
İsrail Dışişleri Bakanlığının açıklamasına göre, yapılacak büyük yardım paketinin ilk bölümü olarak Gürcistan'a dün akşam insani yardım malzemeleri gönderildi.
According to a statement from Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the large aid package of humanitarian supplies was sent in two parts to Georgia yesterday evening.
Gürcistan Ulusal Havayolları uçağıyla taşınacak malzeme içinde iki solunum cihazı ve 7 adet elektrokardiyografi (EKG) cihazı da bulunuyor.
In the supplies sent through a Georgian National Airlines airplane, inside which are two inspirators and seven electrocardiogram machines (EKG).
Açıklamada, yardımın İsrail Dışişleri Bakanlığı ile Archimedes Global Madanes Group adlı sivil toplum kuruluşu arasında işbirliği çerçevesinde sağlandığı kaydedildi.
In a statement it was said that the aid was provided through the cooperation between the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the civil institution the Archimedes Global - Madanes Group.
13.Ağustos.2008 17:34:26
13 August 2008 17:34:26

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