Swedish ex-fighter pilot flies over Alps with motor suit

Friday, May 16, 2008

Really? I'm going to check the English news for this as I'm sure it's in every language, but for now it's more fun to translate from Turkish. Here's the source.

As always, I aim for accuracy in translation but make no guarantees.

Alpleri giysisiyle uçarak geçti

Eski savaş pilotu dört motorlu giysisiyle Alp Dağları'nı uçarak geçmeyi başardı.
An ex-fighter pilot succeeded in flying over the Alps with a four-motored suit.

Giysisiyle uçan adam...

The man that flies with a suit...

Eski savaş pilotu Yves Rossy İsviçre'nin Bex kentinde ilk kez 4 motorlu kanadıyla 2 bin 500 metre yükseklikte kendini boşluğa bıraktı. İsviçreli roketadam 300 kilometre hıza kadar ulaşıp 5 dakika boyunca gökyüzünde kalmayı başardı. Uçan ilk insan olarak tarihe geçen Rossy, Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı'ndaki yerini dünkü denemesiyle daha da güçlendirmiş oldu.

The Swedish ex-fighter pilot Yves Rossey took off from the city of Bex with a four-motored wing, taking himself to an altitude of 2,500 metres. The Swedish rocket man succeeded at flying in the sky at a speed up to 300 kph, staying in the air for 5 minutes. Rossy, in the history books as the first flying man, has further strengthened his record in the Guiness Book of Records with yesterday's test.

Birçok defa farklı kanat ve motor tipleriyle denemeler yapan Rossy 2006 yılında 2 motorlu giysisiyle uçan ilk insan olmayı başarmıştı.
Rossy, who has tried tests with a variety of wings and motor types, became the first man to fly in 2006 with a dual-motor suit.

Edit: Here's an article in English as well so you don't have to search.


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